Easy Net Metering FAQs 2025
Net metering in Pakistan is an innovative program that allows customers to install Renewable Energy (RE) facilities on-site, ranging from 1KW to 1MW in capacity. This program will enable customers to generate their own sustainable energy and offset their electricity bills.
This guide will provide you with all the essential information about net metering in Pakistan, its eligibility criteria, benefits, and the process involved.
Basic Net Metering FAQs in Pakistan
Is net metering already available in Pakistan?
Yes, net metering has been available in Pakistan since September 1, 2015. The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) adopted the regulations under the Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electric Power Act 1997, Section 7(1), which approved the Rules & Regulations for the Net-Metering Program for Renewable Energy. Therefore, net-metering rules were officially implemented in Pakistan on September 1, 2015.
Which kinds of power-generating amenities are acceptable for net metering?
Renewable Energy facilities like solar and wind energy systems, not surpassing 1MW in generating power capacity, which is efficient to install inside the premises of the customer, are allowed to partake in Pakistan’s program of net metering.
Net Metering Eligibility criteria
Who is eligible to participate in Pakistan’s net-metering program?
The net-metering program in Pakistan is open to individuals or entities that meet the requirements of a Distributed Generator, as specified in NEPRA’s net-metering regulations.
Connection Type: 3 Phase
Consumer Category: Commerical, industrial, Domestic
Solar PV Range: 1KW to 10MW
Voltage Supply Level: 400V to 11KvCan Customers of Substantial Suppliers Participate in Net Metering?
Yes, customers receiving power from substantial suppliers like Bahria Town can qualify for the program of net metering in Pakistan. However, this depends on the substantial supplier meeting the criteria specified in the Net Metering Regulations of NEPRA.
As a Customer Directly Connected to the Transmission Grid, Am I Eligible for Net Metering?
No, customers directly connected to the transmission grid don’t qualify as DISCO clients but are actually NTDC (National Transmission and Dispatch Company) customers.
Net Metering in Pakistan: How It Works?
How Will the Import & Export of Energy Work on My DISCO Meter?
One bi-directional meter will be installed by the Distribution Company to measure both the import and export of power. Alternatively, two unidirectional meters may be used to separately measure the energy purchased from the grid and the surplus energy exported to the grid.
Who Will Receive the Power Which I Will Export Through My Meter?
In general, customers living nearby will receive your exported solar electricity.
Advantages of Net Metering
What Advantages Will I Receive If I Opt for Net Metering?
By producing energy to sustain your own needs, you will decrease the quantity of power you will have to purchase from your district’s DISCO. The tariff of the savings on self-produced electricity for your own need is similar to the retail (off-peak) tariff of the DISCO, including transmission, generation, distribution, system loss, taxes, subsidies, and other charges. You can also receive credit on your power bill for surplus electricity exported to the Distribution Company.
Would the Power I Am Exporting to the Grid Be Deducted from the Electricity Which I Will Import from the Grid?
The consumer will receive a monthly bill for their net export and import, which will indicate the net export of power into the grid and the net energy imported from the grid. In the event of a net import bill, the DG will be charged for the net kWh according to the applicable rate.
What Will Happen If the Power Exported Surpasses the Power Imported?
In such an event, the DG’s follow-up billing cycle will be credited with the net kWh.
Will a Consumer Get Paid by the Distribution Company in PKR for His Export of Excess Power to the Grid?
The Distributed Generator will receive a net export statement every month, and the Distributing Company will be responsible to pay for this net export power as per the off-peak tariff in PKR on a quarterly basis.
Installing a PV Plant Without Participating in Net Metering – What is the Difference?
If the Consumer did not sign an agreement for net metering in Pakistan with a DISCO, all excess energy generated, which is not utilized at that instant, would be wasted. On the other hand, if the system is net metered, the power meter will run backwards, providing a credit for the power utilized at night or any other period when the power consumption surpasses the system’s output.
Net Metering in Pakistan: Renewable Energy System
What is the Maximum Size of a Renewable Energy Facility I Can Install?
The maximum size of a RE facility can be ascertained after considering the number of operating hours, load of your household, pattern of demand, and available rooftop space for installation.
Net Metering in Pakistan: The Economics
At Which Tariff Will the Distribution Company Purchase the Power Generated by My System?
NEPRA will determine the off-peak tariff occasionally, which will be the applicable rate for selling energy to the Distributing Company.
Which Period of Time Will It Take for Returning My Investment?
The payback period for a net metering system varies depending on factors like system size, solar resource availability, utilization, and maintenance. Generally, residential clients can expect a payback period of 7 to 10 years, while commercial and industrial consumers can expect 6 to 9 years and 5 to 8 years, respectively.
Post Installation Questions
What to Do If a Customer Wants to Upgrade or Modify the Distributed Generation Facility?
When considering modifying any aspect of your distributed generation facility, the DISCO must be notified at least 40 working days in advance.
What to Do When I Plan to Discontinue Net Metering in Pakistan?
If a DG considers terminating the selling of energy to the DISCO, they should notify the DISCO 30 days in advance to discontinue the agreement signed between them.
Net metering in Pakistan offers a viable option for producing renewable energy and reducing dependence on the grid. By participating in this program, customers can not only generate their own electricity but also receive credits for surplus energy exported back to the grid.
As the country faces an energy shortfall, net metering becomes an attractive solution for contributing to a sustainable energy future. We encourage you to explore further information online to make an informed decision about becoming a Distributed Generator in Pakistan. These Net Metering FAQs Divided into different sections will help the user easily understand.